How to have body confidence while working towards your fitness goals postpartum

Hey mama!

With the first week of 2024 under our belts, you might have spent some time recently setting goals and resolutions for the new year. When goal setting, the struggle I always come across is how to be grateful for what I have in the present moment, while simultaneously seeking to improve.

This mentality carries over to body image, and was definitely a challenge for me postpartum. I wanted to ‘bounce back’ and get my body back asap. Now that’ I’ve had two children, I can tell you it doesn’t happen like that, at least not for the vast majority of us! It takes time, dedication, commitment, and consistency in your exercise routine to get your strength, endurance and weight back to what it was pre baby. And even when you do get your ‘body back’ postpartum (it took me 2-2.5 years with my first, and 3 yrs with my second) your body still won’t look exactly the same! And this is okay! Look at the amazing feat your body just accomplished! You grew another person!

So how do you work towards your goals, while simultaneously having body confidence? These are some of the tricks I use!

  1. Look at the progress you make, each week, each month, and each year! Part of setting goals is seeing how far you’ve come, and how much you have accomplished. With my one to one clients, I do timed tests at the start of each package (which is usually 8 weeks), so that they can see the progress they’re making! Depending on your exercise routine, choose something that’s measurable and make a note of it every couple weeks, so you can celebrate your wins! This will help keep you motivated and feeling positive.

  2. Think about how you feel, not just how you look! If you feel stronger, more endurance, and more energy, these are often more important than the number on the scale! And as you form a regular exercise routine, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so even though the scale might not be moving very quickly, the inches might be!

  3. Do things that make you feel good! Dance, swim, go for walks, wear the comfy clothes, whatever it is that helps you feel like superwoman, cause mama, you are!

  4. Try not to compare yourself to others. I know it’s hard!! Instead compare yourself to other versions of you, and strive to be the best version of you that you can. We’re all different, and we all have different wonderful asets.

  5. Remember all that your body has accomplished. Look at that sweet baby face that YOU MADE! One of my hang ups is that even when my belly is looking pretty toned and flat, I still have way more wrinkles and loose skin that I used to. But then I think about how HUGE my belly was, and I’m like okay belly, you did a good job! And I try to give it some mental love instead of hate.

  6. Positive affirmations! I love these, and often use them for myself when I’m feeling down, and get my clients to practice them when I can tell they’re in a funk. Positive affirmations are anything where you are repeating something positive in your head, usually an I am statement, that you want to believe in and to be true. For example:

    • I am strong

    • I am brave

    • I am patient (I use this one a lot when my son is driving me crazy!)

    • I am an amazing mama

    • I am beautiful

    • I am confident

    • I am amazing


Say them till you believe them! And once you believe them, others will too.

Check out my FREE 5 Day Postpartum course and keep watching till day 5, where I will guide you through a short ‘I am enough’ meditation. Cause mama, you ARE enough!

Please reach out with any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you <3

Sending love!
