Yoga Poses to Mitigate Hip and Lower Back Pain; Prenatal and Postnatal

One of the most common complaints I hear from women prenatal and postnatal is concerning hip and lower back pain. This makes total sense if we think about what is happening anatomically. As our bellies grow during the prenatal phase, this extra weight puts added pressure on the bowl of our pelvis, and tilts the bowl of our pelvis forward. That forward tilt in our pelvis can then put strain on our lower back, causing pain. If we aren’t aware of this pattern, and don’t do anything to mitigate it, we can end up postpartum with a higher risk of abdominal separation, continued low back pain, and a greater risk of pelvic floor disfunction. In this article, we'll explore three yoga exercises specifically tailored to mitigate hip and lower back pain during prenatal and postnatal phases.

  1. Psoas Release: The psoas muscle, which connects the lumbar spine (lower back) to the femur (thigh bone), can become tight, contributing to the anterior pelvic tilt mentioned above. The following yoga pose can help release tension in the psoas and realign the pelvis

    Pose: Low Lunge with a Pelvic Tuck

  • Begin in a kneeling position on a yoga mat.

  • Step one foot forward into a lunge position, ensuring the front knee is directly above the ankle.

  • Engage your core and gently tuck your pelvis under, drawing your tailbone down towards the floor.

  • Sink your hips forward and down, feeling a stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg.

  • Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply and focusing on releasing tension in the psoas.

  • Repeat on the other side.

    2. Windshield Wipers to Restore Mobility: During pregnancy, the increased weight can lead to decreased mobility in the hips as the bowl of our pelvis sits more heavily on our femur bones. Windshield wipers are a gentle exercise that helps improve mobility in the hip joints and alleviate tension in the lower back:

Pose: Seated Variation

  • Sit upright with your feet a little wider than your mat, use your arms to support you from behind if needed.

  • Exhale and slowly lower both knees to one side, keeping your hips tracking forward

  • Inhale as you return to the center, then exhale and lower the knees to the opposite side.

  • Repeat this movement for 8-10 rounds, moving with your breath and focusing on the gentle stretch in the hips and lower back.

    3. Clam Shells to Strengthen Glutes: Weak glute muscles can contribute to hip and lower back pain during pregnancy and postpartum recovery. Clam shell exercises target the gluteus medius, which helps stabilize the pelvis and improve overall hip function:

Exercise: Clam Shells

  • Lie on your side with knees bent, hips stacked, and head supported by the bottom arm.

  • Keep your feet together and lift the top knee away from the bottom knee, opening the legs like a clamshell.

  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower the top knee back down with control.

  • Repeat for 10-15 repetitions on each side, focusing on engaging the glutes and maintaining stability through the pelvis.

Incorporating exercises like the psoas release, windshield wipers, and clam shells into your routine can help improve mobility, release tension, and strengthen supporting muscles, promoting a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy and postnatal recovery journey. As always, it's essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially during pregnancy. Please check out my 5 Day FREE Postpartum Fitness Guide for more on postpartum recovery, including pelvic floor engagement, how to check for abdominal separation and some safe core exercises you can start with, more on hips and lower back, and so much more! Please comment below or send an email, I’d love to hear from you!

Sending love,
