Strategies for fitting in exercise when you're a new mom with limited time

Okay, you’re a new (ish!) mom and you’re ready to get back on the exercise wagon! Your intentions are there, you want to loose the baby weight, you’re tired of feeling tired, and you want to feel strong and confident in your body again. But between taking care of the baby, keeping up with housework, trying to keep everyone decently fed, errands, etc. etc. the list could go on forever, you’re finding it next to impossible to fit in any me time, and when you do, it’s likely a nap. I feel you, myself and every other new mom has been there! Life gets very busy very fast. And while I might not need to preach the benefits of regular exercise (that’s another blog post!), the reality of fitting it in seems daunting. So, here are some tips to get you started!

  1. Just start! Anything that feels difficult is so much harder when all we do is think about it. How many projects have you been intimidated by doing, where you ruminate about it, procrastinate doing it, stay up at night worrying about. And then you start it, and you realise it’s not half as bad as you made it out to be! And then you crack on, and you’re finished with it before you know it! Think of starting an exercise routine in the same way. Just do it, today! Start simple, go for a walk, get down on your yoga mat and move in anyway that feels good for just 10 min, get hubby or grammy to babysit just once a week so you can go to that class you’ve been wanting to try! Once you start, you’ll realize it’s not half as scary as you made it out to be.

  2. Build it into your routine. We know babies, and kids for that matter, are all about routine. So structure your exercise the same way you would a feeding or a nap time. Build it into your routine in a way that makes sense for you and your family. If you’re a morning person, wake up 30 min earlier and exercise then, if you’re a night owl, move your body once kids are in bed. If baby happens to be a decent sleeper (you don’t know how lucky you are!) then use nap time to get your sweat on. The important thing is that you know when you’re going to fit it in, and then you stick to it!

  3. Ask for what you need, and offer in return. If you really want an hour to yourself, ask for it! This was a hard lesson for me to learn the first time around. We are so used to being masters of our own universe, that it feels uncomfortable to ask hubby ‘can I please go to a yoga class’ but trust me if you don’t ask he won’t offer (unless you’re married to superman in which case congrats!). On the flip side, you need to be prepared to support your husband to also do the things he loves. It’s taken a few years to get there, but I’m happy to say my husband and I are at a stage now where we can both ask for what we need, and (usually!) are happy to support the other person in getting the time and space they require. It has taken a lot of practice! But we are both happier and healthier for it.

  4. Bring baby! Walking is a great option, they love it, and in addition to exercise you get vitamin D and fresh air! Try out a stroller walk, carrier, hiking backpack, and see what works best for you. You can also check in your area for baby and me exercise classes. I used to teach baby yoga with my son in a carrier when he was little! Another nice alternative is to put them in a happy place with some toys, and get on your mat and do your thang. For sure this doesn’t constitute as ‘me’ time, and you need to have very relaxed expectations about what you can accomplish, but hey sometimes something is better than nothing!

  5. Be accountable. Join a course, bring a buddy, book a class. Do something where you’re booked in and you’ll be that much more likely to do it!

I’ve created a 5 day FREE postnatal yoga course to help you build a consistent exercise routine when you have limited time. The videos are each 10-15 min long, totally doable! Try it out and let me know how you get on, I’d love to hear from you!

Sending love,
